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Date: Fri, 14 Aug 92 05:07:11
From: Space Digest maintainer <digests@isu.isunet.edu>
Reply-To: Space-request@isu.isunet.edu
Subject: Space Digest V15 #110
To: Space Digest Readers
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Space Digest Fri, 14 Aug 92 Volume 15 : Issue 110
Today's Topics:
Tethered Satellite
Welcome to the Space Digest!! Please send your messages to
"space@isu.isunet.edu", and (un)subscription requests of the form
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Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1992 08:29:00 GMT
From: Todd Pedlar <todd@numep2.phys.nwu.edu>
Subject: Tethered Satellite
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
In article <tking.920813132256@eng.auburn.edu>, tking@eng.auburn.edu (Thomas L. King) writes...
>Everything I've read about the tethered satellite's electric generation
>capacity has been that it will be able to generate up to 4000 volts. This
>in itself doesn't tell me very much. Has anyone heard how much POWER it
>will generate (or how much current will be generated)? In addition, does
>anyone know the current carrying capacity of the tether? I can't imagine
>any significant amount of current flowing through a wire as thin as a
I'm not sure if anyone has yet estimated the current expected, and I don't
have the time to attempt an estimate here, but I do know there are those
kind of details in a quite recent issue of the EOS newsletter.
>And one last wonder of mine: how will the heat generated
>by the current be dissipated in space without an atmosphere?
How does the heat generated by the sun get to us???
ans: "...Radiation, man!"
>Any answers (or attempted explinations) will be appreciated.
>Lee King
Todd K. Pedlar !
Graduate Student ! ...said one termite to the other at Smokey's
Department of Physics ! Bar & Grill, " Is the bartender here? "
Northwestern University !
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From: Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey <higgins@fnalc.fnal.gov>
Subject: Weekly reminder for Frequently Asked Questions list
Sender: UNIX-to-UNIX Copy <uucp@mks.com>
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Date: Mon, 10 Aug 1992 17:47:28 GMT
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[Jon Leech is taking a vacation from cyberspace. Our Special Guest
Host this week: Usenet's favorite ukulele-playing physicist,
W. Skeffington Higgins!]
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou. It's great to be here. Say, do you know
how many elephants can fit in a Soyuz? Three! But they have to be
REALLY GOOD FRIENDS! And now, on with the Weekly Reminders!"
This notice will be posted weekly in sci.space, sci.astro, and
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) list for sci.space and sci.astro is
posted approximately monthly. It also covers many questions that come up on
sci.space.shuttle (for shuttle launch dates, see below).
The FAQ is posted with a long expiration date, so a copy may be in your
news spool directory (look at old articles in sci.space). If not, here are
two ways to get a copy without waiting for the next posting:
(1) If your machine is on the Internet, it can be obtained by anonymous
FTP from the SPACE archive at ames.arc.nasa.gov ( in directory
(2) Otherwise, send email to 'archive-server@ames.arc.nasa.gov'
containing the single line:
The archive server will return directions on how to use it. To get an
index of files in the FAQ directory, send email containing the lines:
send space FAQ/Index
send space FAQ/faq1
Use these files as a guide to which other files to retrieve to answer
your questions.
Shuttle launch dates are posted by Ken Hollis periodically in
sci.space.shuttle. A copy of his manifest is now available in the Ames
archive in pub/SPACE/FAQ/manifest and may be requested from the email
archive-server with 'send space FAQ/manifest'. Please get this document
instead of posting requests for information on launches and landings.
Do not post followups to this article; respond to the author.
"Thanks, ya been a great audience!"
End of Space Digest Volume 15 : Issue 110